
Wandering through The Syndicate #eveonline

Maybe I'll go through a different gate...


Taterade said...

No, that is a gate I would go for.

Unless you like keeping your ship, but who in the world flies a ship in unfriendly nullsec if they like owning it?

doycet said...

I actually got clear of that one just fine. Two tornadoes and... something else. Don't remember.

Gate camps are the veldspar mining of pvp.

mbp said...

How did you get through?

doycet said...

Cheated. I was in a bomber at the time.

Makalie said...

"Gate camps are the veldspar mining of pvp."

Bor said...

“Gate camps are the veldspar mining of pvp.”
Are you trying to say that gate camps are one of the most profitable PVP activities?
Or that they are one of the most boring PVP activities?

doycet said...

The most boring, the lowest skill threshold for individual fleet members , and the least rewarding, unless you have some sort of social component